Friday, July 2, 2010

Where to eat breakfast on our first morning in Chicago?

Well, we had big plans to explore Chicago and have an exciting breakfast on our first morning here. What did we have? Dunkin' Donuts. That's right. No imagination lacking with our clan. Ha, ha. Since we got a late start on Friday morning, we decided to eat directly across the street from the hotel...thus DD.

On the way there, the kids got to encounter their first real life beggar/homeless (??) person. I had warned them of these individuals before we got to Chicago, as an old friend had warned me to alert the kids of them. She had just visited the week before and said they were everywhere. 2 of my poor sweeties always take me more literal than what I usually realize. One thing I told them was that the homeless/beggars would be clad in a bundle of clothes, most likely, and have paper bags, carts, backpacks, etc. carrying all of their belongings. As we sat outside in front of the hotel on Thursday, Kennady noticed several men walking with backpacks (actually they were local businessmen with laptop satchels) and said "Mommy are those the beggars?" I realized I had not explained myself quite clear enough.

I have to write a side not here, before I forget to tell this story. It's so funny, I can't forget it. In the past, I've tried to explain to my kids about the "young men" who are dressed in suits and they frequent our neighborhood or area, riding bicycles. (Jehovah Witnesses). I tried to explain that it's a different religion, with different beliefs, and that they feel they need to spread their word by traveling around neighborhoods and trying to talk to people about it. I added that they usually wear a suit and tie, and ride bicycles. I do not know the significance of why they do this, but they do. Well, as we sat in front of the hotel, waiting to get checked in, Kennady began noticing men, well dressed in suits, riding past us on bikes. As the bellhop was loading our things on the cart, Kennady asks me loudly, "Mommy, are those Jehovah's Witnesses?" Such a sweetie, never forgets a thing.

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